your burnt-out cigarettes have not only taken over the earth but it has taken my heart. the overweight of being a character I am not anymore has me constantly overthinking life. They say crying helps but when you live out here it's impossible to cry. Separation is key, it may hurt. but it means the world to me, it means the world to me, it means the world to me.
AUGUST 26, 2022 , Medium Mixed Media Collage
so don't blame me landon
blame mr. earthday
he the reason you was
here in the first place
he the one
that gave you false hope
to see
but like they all say there's other fish
in the.
APRIL 11, 2022 , Medium Mixed Media Collage
iiiii know you be getting hungry
iiiii know you be getting lonely
but this time I just gotta turn my head slowly
you may not know but you so happened
to be my growth phase
iiiii can't let people keep bringing me down
iiii can't keep turning this smile to a frown
this is the first house I burned down
ask the others london kept knocking
but wasn't allowed in
memories all placed in a bin
closed in a safe
who am I?
i am growth, win or lose.
APRIL 29, 2022 , Medium Mixed Media Collage
“YOUR ALWAYS WELCOME BACK” always holds a deep place in my heart. I was 20 years old and feeling like a failure at life. I sat at the edge of my bed and had my head down, and my mom and dad comforted me and reminded me how talented I am brought me back to reality, and told me I was being too hard on myself. The misconception of social media had me thinking I needed to have my own house at 20. Mom and Dad reminded me i’m always welcome home and need to take my time because God has me .
NOVEMBER 10, 2021 , Photoshop, Digital Art
this new
thing is just not right for me
lockett on my neck
is straight empty
where did she go?
but ive been meaning to ask you
where can i find her?
APRIL 9, 2022 , Mixed Media Collage
You don’t understand now, because your hurt, your angry
but hopefully soon you’ll understand
What’s the point of both of us being hurt, the only way both of us can live on, if we went separate ways.
I’m sorry I had to shoot it down, but it just wouldn’t go away.
SEPTEMBER 1, 2022 , Mixed Media Collage
elle offre la vie a la chambre doree
sa beaute peut changer tout ce qui est dans l’espirit de quelqu’um
MARCH 22 2023 , Mixed Media Collage
I want to close my eyes
to see what you see
from above there
the expiration of man can feed
me fuel and expression.
say hello to him when you see
him. why everyone so hesistant
at the yellow? Mixed signals can
cause them hop out and pop.
Sometimes I could wake up from
it and be scared almost wet,
but you can’t be yellow. There’s
no P in L anymore. Who am I?
Can u tell me?
SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 , Painting
it’s like they don’t wanna hear me
but they here to laugh,
just yesterday I had a genuine smile
on my face
I just needed a break
He got his first chance to actually get out
the shell was cracked but not fully broken
I actually won I actually survived
this pack of gum helped me survive
the night
I can finally forget about you
AUGUST 29, 2022 , Mixed Media Collage
she found a apartment somewhere near
she don't mind if he shed a single tear
acts like no one is here
she leaves the doors unlocked
just to make out around the block
clearly the apartment left with no care
but she comes back after leaving this side of town
she lives in my mind she lives in my mind she lives in my mind she lives in my mind
Imma evict you one day.
SEPTEMBER 9, 2022 , Mixed Media Collage